Some people are incapable of making decisions, while others do it instinctually.
When we are babies, it is so easy. If only we could keep such clarity. If you have a strong presence of Libra planets in your chart, you are at a disadvantage and will usually require trusted advisors to help you out. Think about it. You are trying to keep yourself on track to be aligned with your inner core values. You meet someone who sparks your interest, but after a very brief period of communication, you realize that they have not asked as single question about you, while you have delved deep into their world. You have a genuine interest in knowing this person, and find yourself putting their interests in front of yours just to be included in their world. Because you are so enamored, you keep compromising your inner voice. which has already informed you of the inequity of respect.
Eventually you become so lonely because you are not receiving the acknowledgment you deserve, and sadness sets in. For some this can go on for years and cause a lot of pain.
Do yourself a favor and act as soon as your realize the reality.
Place massive value on how somebody makes you feel. Recognize your feelings and be honest. This will save so much time and turmoil.
If you have taken the time to figure out your core values, weighing your options will not take up much of your time. It take a lot of courage to be disciplined yourself, but this is how successful people become successful.
This is a new moon and a great time to review your core values. Give yourself ten, then take the time to review your various relationships to see how aligned they are. Now is good.
Love only…