This line up of planets is very sweet.

The planetary axis is cancer/capricorn.

The full moon is in capricorn.


sanskrit: Makara

rulership: Saturn

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign ruled by saturn. Traditionally saturn is considered a malefic because it can bring difficult times. Saturn also brings rewards for effort, maturity, and contentment.

You would think that we would strive for contentment. After some reflection, I must say that I fell contentment is underrated. In a world of selfies where so many seek stardom, the underlying force is work. Since you have to have a purpose, your work is of utmost importance. Spending your life and your precious time in a job that you hate will not create contentment.

Contentment is inner peace.

Let this full moon be a reflection on your ability to embrace contentment. It is like you having the courage to ask for what you want in life, you must be able to receive. In order to receive there must be a space available within your soul. Why not open a wide space for your contentment to enter.

Celebrate where you do feel that deep contentment. Celebration at that stage is about being able to squeeze every awareness out of the present moment. Saturn is about slowing down..even for 10 min per day.

Capricorn is on the other end of cancer/family because in order to balance family, one must have purpose, work, stability, discipline and maturity.


sanskrit: Karkata

ruler: Moon

Cancer is ruled by the moon which is the most important player in our cosmic game book.

The moon represents the mother, the queen, the goddess.

Cancer represents the home, family meals, friends who are like family, real estate, vehicles and conveyances. In general the 4th house which rules cancer is called the house of Happiness.

The moon is the mind. Your mind is a reflection of the condition of your soul. This dimension is about the projection of your mind onto your experience.

The truth is that if your are very happy in these areas that rule cancer, chances are your mind will be happy.


Your mind is your moon. Your personal moon will be in one zone which will create certain traits. A moon in aries is much different than a moon in pisces, for example. Each moon has its’ own strengths and weaknesses to overcome and master. Your mind is actually a magnificent computer, highly mysterious and powerful beyond our understanding. Your soul, is the real you. Your job in this lifetime is to gain control of the computer ( the mind) by your soul. This sounds easy, but it is like taming a wild horse. An unsettled busy mind will not feel contentment.

The first step is to gain understanding of your own mind is to understand your vedic birth chart. Key information about your cosmic footprint lies in your  birth chart.

Tools to train the mind are everywhere. Discipline is required.


One of the reasons I am so in love with the vedic source of wisdom is that it teaches us that life  has different stages. Knowing where you are along this stage is helpful.

I like this interpretation by

“Brahmacharya is the first stage of life. It is the student stage of life, preparing for success in later stages of life. Individuals should also gain religious training, in order to lay the foundation for spiritual practice. Traditionally, education started somewhere between 5 and 8 years of age, continuing to age 14 to 20. Scriptures specifically mention education for both boys and girls. In the modern era this is the period up through college, vocational training, etc., prior to establishing a family. Brahmacharya also refers to one of the yama (core ethical principles of Hinduism). Here the term refers to a mode of behavior: traditionally understood to mean celibacy, but sometimes more liberally interpreted to mean self-restraint and moderation (and in later stages of life, faithfulness in romantic relationships). Regardless of interpretation, this meaning of brahmacharya is a value idealized for this beginning stage of life.

The second stage is called Grihastha. Know as the “householder” stage, it follows what most people do naturally after leaving school: Maintaining a home, having a family. Though some people choose to forgo having children and/or remain single, for one reason or another, most Hindus choose to practice their spirituality while raising families. Marriage is given a high priority in Hindu culture, and there is much in Hindu scriptures detailing how to make marriage as successful as possible. Individuals are encouraged to produce and distribute wealth (fulfilling the goal of artha) and experience pleasure (kama), while acting ethically (dharma). In essence, though the exact details of how this is done may be different, individuals try to be a supportive family member and productive member of society. This period extends through the most external productive period of our lives, up until any children have completed their education and we’re ready to transition into the subsequent stages.

Vanaprashta is the third stage. It begins after individuals fulfill their obligations to their families. In ancient times, once reaching this stage people would start detaching themselves from family life and the pursuit of material ends by moving to the forest time to devote more of their time to spiritual practice, living among other seekers of solace, knowledge, peace, and freedom. Most people have stopped retiring to the forest, instead choosing to spend more time giving back to their communities, as they deepen their spiritual practice. Hindus may do this by volunteering, reading scriptures and going on pilgrimage, and, for some, spending time in ashrams. The goal is to devote oneself to spiritual practice with a commitment to seva (selfless service) and in pursuit of moksha (liberation).

The fourth stage is Sannyasa, renunciation. There are two traditional entry points into this stage of life. Those few Hindus who from an early age have a calling or want to live an entire life immersed in scriptural study and a monastic lifestyle under the direction of a guru, exclusively pursuing the goal of moksha, enter into this stage at a young age. Other Hindus, who have lived a more traditional life enter into a period of renunciation following stages two and three. In both cases, in their own way, having fulfilled all prior obligations, a person is free to devote themselves entirely to spiritual growth. A sannyasin (women renunciates are called sannyasini) lives a very simple life, subsisting on a minimum of material possessions and devoting themselves to nonviolence. The goal is to attain liberation attain liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.”



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