The full moon falls at 29.48 Aries, in the nakshatra Krittika. The nakshatras will either be Devic, which is Godlike, Manushya which is human or Rakshasha which is Demonic. Given that this vedic science deals with the ancient origins of humanity on our planet, where higher Beings from other planets or dimensions bred with a reptilian race on earth, the result is that we have different qualities of life expression.

Krittika falls into the rakshasha category and is motivated by Kama, or desire. This would exemplify the truth that is coming out of the Epstein or PDiddy, or the Hollywood revelations of pedophilia which are all coming to the light. Beings who are closer to the reptile race, that derives pleasure from dark activities. Rakshasha Kama. Expect more revelations of these type who live among us and have managed to be in disguise, but with the dawn of a more enlightened time, are forced out into the open.

We are living in a time of dramatic disclosure.


Agni is the God of fire associated with this nakshatra. Violent fire can destroy, while sacred fire can cleanse. During this full moon watch for episodes of fire. In your own world, might be a good time to have yourself a sacred fire and burn something which no longer serves you. You might write out your pain and then put the paper to fire to let the energy burn and release from your auric field. Now is good.


The Sun and Moon are opposite with Mars in Cancer being 80 degrees between, creating a T Square. The pressure that builds up with this full moon had a release point in Mars. This means we can see blow ups where people are emotionally triggered, especially in families. My advice is to avoid anyone who is close to trigger during this time. Guard your emotional health, that is your responsibility to yourself. If you want to be happy, and in peace, there comes a time when you prioritize your own wellbeing first. With this Moon in Aries, now is a good time.

Love only..

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