Bharani is a difficult nakshatra to digest. We in the west like to pretend that darkness does not exist, meanwhile, ancient cultures recognize and make a space for it. In the pantheon of deities in the vedic wisdom, Shakti rules Bharani.
Maybe the reason the west is in such a mess is that as a young culture we never want to look at the darkness that exists in the world. The innocence and avoidance is to such an extent that most westerners will even loose their precious life, rather than accept evil.
We never imagined in our wildest dreams that we would live through another holocaust, yet here are watching while it happens real time on the news. As what usually happens the young adults are the ones who rebel and act out when things are not right. At the moment things are not right.
This new moon sees The Sun, Moon and Venus dancing in Aries/Bharani.
From an Astrologers’ perspective this is very dark. We can expect acts of evil.
It always comes down to the individual trying to figure out how they can avoid or how they can help and how will this cosmic frequency affect me?
First if you have any Aries planets, it is a good time to begin. This particular new beginning may be very challenging, but what else do you have to do if the way it is is not working for you?
Begin and begin and begin again…eventually you will overcome.
On all other levels, it seems now is a good time to get involved. Light obliterates darkness, but there has to be enough of it. Shine your light. Raise your frequency. Be the best you can be and give it to your local community and the world. Now is good JUMP!
Love only…