
OK, well this full moon is going to have those of you who currently under the transit of the eclipses, on the floor. If you are not, if you are flying high with these powerful planetary influence, good for you. Kudos! Imagine if the entire world would be with you. I certainly try to put some of my focused energy in that direction. If you , in fact, on the floor, don’t waste your time. While life can hit extremely hard for almost everybody at one time or another, the most potent periods tend to be associated with eclipses. It is not a mistake that most of the greatest architectural structures built by great civilizations of the past are in some way associated with eclipses.


When the Sun and Moon line up either on top of one another or across from one another they cast a shadow. A shadow is an image of something that is sort of in form and sort of not.

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Have you ever really looked at your shadow? I mean in the physical sense. How is it that by blocking light, an image is cast of your form. What is wildly crazy is that your shadow actually takes on your personality. Have you ever noticed that? I took this picture of my shadow a few years ago, that I found fascinating. The transfer of the character is obvious! In Jyotisha, the shadows cast during eclipses are actually give the same status as planets. They are called , ‘chiya graha’, shadow planets. What are the deeper ramifications of this eulogy?


Now here is fun concept. Anti matter exists. For everything that exists in material form there is a non physical replica. When we wish to make our wishes come true we tap into that quantum field to either grab what is already there waiting for us , or to lay down an imprint so that is will be able to manifest into material reality.

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You are light. You are supposed to be mostly light. You are a conductor of light energy that is sent directly from the sun and also transformed into phyto life forms. Both are consumed. Where there is not light there is darkness. Darkness is also your shadow.


This full moon is in the nakshatra ( lunar sigh) within the zodiac constellation of Virgo, called Hasta. Hasta: sanskrit: the hand. What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of your life? What kind of shadow are you casting upon the earth and unforgettable universal records? Are you making your time in this learning dimension memorable? This full moon may bring up that subject for you to examine. If you are on the floor that means something in your current paradigm needs to shift. It means you have to make a change.



The opposite can also be true, of course. Change your job, change you location, change your friends, change your emotional spiritual environment, and you will by osmosis, shift. There are so many ways to get there.



At different times in your life you may be super driven with very strong personal goals. On other occasions you may find your goal is not to have any. So then what?



Nature is you and you are nature. You are divinely beautiful beyond your wildest dreams. The wonderful cactus peyote has a medicine within that can help you understand that reality by showing you the molecular levels of creation. You don’t even have to have any goals, other than one, be YOU. Just be you.


You see me bringing this point up over and over. Anything in nature, if expressing it’s divine authentic nature is sexy and attractive beyond measure.


It should come as no surprise that the opposite point of Hasta is Revati. Revati is the final lunar sign; the end. This cosmic frequency is considered one of the most spiritual because it signifies surrender and trust and faith in those things we cannot touch; like the shadow. The Sun will be aligned with Mercury and Ketu. Mercury is very weak in Pisces and will be even weaker with the Ketu. This is the octane in the gas that is driving this eclipse. If you have any feelings of guilt for not being good enough, or feel empty and alone because you have isolated yourself from things, people or places that do not align with your frequency. This can cause depression.



The pharmaceutical industry is the 2nd largest business in the world. A very high percentage of that goes towards anti depressants. While some of it is super medicine, much of it is keeping the masses from waking up. Wake up to the pain of life. Wake up to the work that is necessary to remain in a state of love and happiness. A race of sedated people is like koala bears. This full moon positioning may bring up your issues and why not take a look. If not now, when?


For those of you who are experiencing life as all of your dreams coming true this full moon Pisces -Revati energy is a portal for more! Make love, mediate, dance, celebrate because you are alive; no other reason. Be proud of yourself. It’s ok.



Imbalances on the physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual realm will eventually settle into the body temple as dis ease. If this is the case, understand that you are a river. You are meant to flow. If you remove the obstacles you can flow again. Understand that the manifestation will have to leave the way it came in, through the shadow and your energetic body. Be time, Be patient. Be kind. Be kind Be Kind.


Virgo is the energy of perfecting. It never ends so there can be worry and uneasiness around areas of your life that do not feel aligned. The key is to just pay attention. If there is something that is not right, it is better to make the change than to wait until things are totally out of control. This takes courage.

If you are in a good space, use this full moon energy to celebrate your success.


This means you take time to feed your spirit just like you feed your body. Since you are 90% unconscious, the art of clearing your mind and sitting quietly allows your body spirit temple to download and recalibrate. Even 10 minutes as day will change your state of being.

Love only…..

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