For those of you with Taurus or Scorpio planets you are coming to the tail end of the 18 month transit of the eclipse patterns serving up karma. Many of you will be rolling your eyes and wondering how much more of this you can take. Hang on, it’s almost over! Before this intensely powerful eclipse cycle leaves the house, it has to make sure it has done what it came to do.

The reason I continue to practice and study this ancient art of timing is because I see it working in real time! The life cycle in this dimension is about getting certain core evolutionary values down. What values? You need only to look at the more difficult aspects of your life to see what core values you are tripping over. And over and over again!

Scorpio is ruled by Mars and is a fixed water sign. This means the focus is emotional and deals with issues that manifest as anger. Anger is a core value that runs our life if it is out of balance. Anger is the result of unhealthy familial patterns learned from the family upbringing and dynamics. When there is any kind of emotional or physical abuse within the family when you were growing up, you may have this underlying belief that love hurts. You continually look for relationships that prove this to be true. Because Scorpio is fixed in it’s element, it can be very difficult to get out of this pattern.

The way out of the cycle of abuse is to understand your own value. This may take a lot of therapy and a lot of years. It may be your primary lesson in this life. Finding and creating the aspect of life where you value you can be a lifetime exercise. Generally you will not finalize the lesson until you have had to experience a major Mars event such as an accident or an assault. If this is not enough to shake you up you will find yourself repeating the lessons. If you have lifetimes of not moving from this pattern you may find you actually enjoy the pain and are attracted to the shock factor. When you have finally had enough, you will see that you come back again to the foundation which is you must value yourself first.

From May 2011 to January 2013 the eclipse patterns transit through Scorpio. This means it is almost over! This Full Moon will be the last Full Moon in this cycle. Full Moons are the energy of receiving the gifts. There is always a punch at the end of the cycle to give you heads up on whether you have evolved spiritually during this transit. This Full Moon you will know. If you are still full of anger you still have time to shift this paradigm. You know that shifting of consciousness actually happens in an instant when you are ready. If you can look back on this 18 months and see that you have moved past your blocks and forgiven and rose in your self value, then celebrate!

The Taurus energy is a fixed earth and ruled by Venus which is also challenging because it does not shift easily. The lesson here is more around physical things; ownership. Do you define your value by what you own? Artha is material prosperity in the chart. The fact that the Vedas point to Artha as one of the primary motivations in this life has us pay attention. Working to sustain ourselves and our families with physical abundance is part of life. Here again you must find some level of satisfaction in your work or your self value will suffer. If your purchases are an extension of your self value what can you see about yourself? I am not talking about the amount of stuff that you own, rather the value and quality that you surround yourself with. This cycle for the Taurus planets has been interesting because it has been more about letting go rather than acquiring.

What is super interesting about a good chunk of this eclipse pattern is that Jupiter has been traveling with ketu. Jupiter is about growing and expanding. Ketu is about dissolving. On a global level it has resulted in more savings. People have stopped purchasing mindlessly and have been saving their energy fund. There has been and is currently a shift in value around possessions. What do you need vs. what do you want? Do you value the possessions you have now? Are they an extension of your self value?

The Moon is exalted in Taurus so this is a good place. With this Full Moon, free up some space by letting go of what you are not using or what you don’t see as an accurate extension of your self value.

There is nothing sexier than a person who values themselves in such a way that is genuine and not in ego. Dogs and cats who are well loved are our best teachers. You know what I mean? Your body is a temple to house your soul. Put your energy into continually breaking destructive patterns that harm this temple and replace with positive patterns that honor your temple.

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change…

Love only,

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